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to my new website…

I hope you can enjoy it by finding out some of my thoughts about culture, arts and music moreover looking at my videos, photos and listening to my concert recordings with several orchestras and knowing about my latest works and news.
I have added some links related to my professional activity and maybe they can be useful for you.

Contacting me is really easy, and you know how to do it…

Thanks for visiting my website!


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Remarkable Concerts (2014)


Arpil 17th and 18th. Ushuaia and Río Grande.  Tierra del Fuego
Ariel Ramirez: Misa Criolla
Coro del Fin del Mundo (Ushuaia’s City Choir)
Soloists: Patricia Sosa (mezzo)
Jaime Torres (Charango)
Facundo Ramirez (piano)
Conductor:  Pablo Dzodan


June 12th. (Rosario –  Sta. Fé)
Works by Haydn, Sibelius and Janacek
Orquesta de Cámara Municipal de Rosario (Chamber orchestra from Rosario City)
Soloist: Fernando Gentile (cello)

Conductor: Pablo Dzodan